Friday, September 25, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

HIV/AIDS is the orbicular supply of new era of science and technology and we should know that the difficulty of distributed immunodeficienc
y is contest for human survival.

Children and teen grouping requirement to be equipped with the knowledge, attitudes, values and skills that module hold them grappling these challenges and assist them in making flourishing life-style choices as they grow.

Education delivered through schools is digit of the structure through which children crapper be helped to grappling these challenges and make much choices.

Providing aggregation most retrovirus (transmission, venture factors, how to avoid infection) is necessary, but not sufficient, to advance to flourishing activity change.

Programs that wage faithful information, to contain the myths and misinformation, frequently inform improvements in noesis and attitudes, but this is poorly correlated with activity change attendant to venture attractive and delectable activity outcomes.

Education crapper be effective in the more difficult task of achieving and sustaining activity change most HIV/AIDS. The schools crapper either be a place that practices discrimination, prejudice and undue fear or digit that demonstrates society’s commitment to equity.

School policies requirement to ensure that every child and adolescent has the right to life education; particularly when that activity is needed for activity and avoidance of retrovirus infection.

HIV incident is digit of the major problems covering school-age children today. They grappling fear if they are ignorant, favouritism if they or a family member or friend is infected, and suffering and death if they are not able to protect themselves from this preventable disease.

It is estimated that 40 million people, worldwide, are living with retrovirus or have AIDS, at least a ordinal of these are teen grouping older 15-24. In 1998 more than 3 million teen grouping worldwide became infected including 590,000 children under 15.

More than 8,500 children and teen grouping embellish infected with retrovirus apiece day. In many countries over 50% of all infections are among 15-24 eld old, who module probable develop immunodeficiency in a period ranging from several months to more than 10 years.

Studies have shown the enormous effect retrovirus and immunodeficiency have on the activity sector and the quality of activity provided, particularly in certain regions of the world much as Sub Saharan Africa.

Consequences of the immunodeficiency epidemic allow a probable decrease in the obligation for education, coupled with absenteeism and an process in the number of orphans and school drop out, especially among girls.

Girls are socially and economically more undefendable to conditions that force grouping to accept venture of retrovirus incident in order to survive. A decrease in activity for girls module have serious negative effects on progress made over the past decade toward providing an competent activity for girls and women.

Reduced numbers of classes or schools, a shortage of teachers and another personnel, and shrinking resources for educational systems all impair the prospects for education.

Effective HIV/AIDS activity and hindrance is needed in all schools for all children so that no digit is left ignorant. Yet in many places schools are apprehensive most providing stimulate activity or discussions of sexuality because of cultural demands to protect adolescents from sexed experience.

Women ofttimes demand skills needed to communicate their concerns with their sexed partners and to training behaviors that turn their venture of infection, much as safe use, which is ofttimes controlled by men.

The school crapper either be a place that practices discrimination, prejudice and undue fear or digit that demonstrates society’s commitment to equity. School policies requirement to ensure that every child and adolescent has the right to HIV/AIDS education; particularly when that activity is needed for activity and avoidance of retrovirus infection.

A UNAIDS analyse (1997) of 53 studies which assessed the effectiveness of programs to preclude retrovirus incident and attendant upbeat problems among teen grouping concluded that stimulate activity programs do not advance to early or accumulated sexed activity among teen people, in fact the oppositeness seems to be true.

22 reported that retrovirus and/or sexed upbeat activity either delayed the onset of sexed activity, low the number of sexed partners or low unplanned pregnancies and STD rates. 27 studies reported that HIV/AIDS and sexed upbeat neither accumulated nor decreased sexed activity, pregnancy or STD.

The analyse concluded that school based interventions are an effective way to turn venture behaviors attendant with HIV/AIDS/STD among children and adolescents.

There are three main objectives for this essay to integrate the activity effectively with the HIV/AIDS preventions and another upbeat aspects attendant with it.

These are as follows:
1) Health activity centering on HIV/AIDS prevention.
2) Raising cognisance most HIV/AIDS among educators and learners.
3) Stimulate person hold and HIV/AIDS counseling in schools.

The main pore of the essay is to wage the importance to the HIV/AIDS precaution with the upbeat activity raising the cognisance most it among all the students as well as their teachers also and wage the adjunct surround for the HIV/AIDS activity for all.

Need of HIV/AIDS education:
In Atlantic much as HIV/AIDS hindrance individualist behavior, ethnic and person pressure, cultural norms and abusive relationships haw all advance to the upbeat and style problems of children and adolescents.

There is now crescendo grounds that in tackling these issues and upbeat problems, a flourishing move to HIV/AIDS and stimulate activity works, and is more effective than teaching noesis alone.

There are numerous studies indicating that providing aggregation most issues much as sex, STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and retrovirus (transmission, venture factors, how to avoid infection) is necessary, but not sufficient, to advance to flourishing activity change (Hubley, 2000).

Programs that wage faithful information, to contain the myths and misinformation, frequently inform improvements in noesis and attitudes, but this is poorly correlated with activity change attendant to venture attractive and delectable activity outcomes (Gatawa 1995, UNAIDS 1997a).

HIV/AIDS with upbeat activity crapper be effective in the more difficult task of achieving and sustaining activity change.

Health activity with HIV/AIDS is widely applicable:
This problems largely moving men and women as well as older children and adolescents, both this geezerhood assemble and younger children also grappling a wider arrange of upbeat problems where activity crapper endeavor a vital persona in sustainable hindrance and management.

Health activity with HIV/AIDS programs plays a vital persona in preventing infections. This is done through promoting noesis of areas much as symptoms, transmission, and behaviors that are specifically relevant to many incident in apiece community; attitudes much as domain for personal, family and community health, certainty to change unwholesome habits; skills much as avoiding behaviors that are probable to drive infection, encourage others to change unwholesome habits, communicate messages most incident to families, peers and members of the community (WHO, 1996).

This kind of upbeat activity with HIV/AIDS hindrance focuses upon the utilization of Knowledge, Attitudes, Values, and Skills (including life skills much as inter-personal skills, grave and fictive thinking, decision making and self awareness) needed to make and behave on the most pertinent and positive health-related decisions. Health in this environment extends beyond physical upbeat to allow psycho-social and environmental upbeat issues.

This move utilizes enrollee centered and participatory methodologies, gift participants the opportunity to explore and acquire upbeat promoting knowledge, attitudes and values and to training the skills they requirement to avoid risky and unwholesome situations and adopt and sustain healthier life styles.

HIV/AIDS – a grave requirement for upbeat education:
HIV/AIDS is an Atlantic where the scale and effect of the difficulty is much that the solicitation of implementing preventative measures, including upbeat education, is critical.

Health activity programs are existence progressively adopted as means of reaching children and teen grouping to hold halt the spread of this crippling epidemic. Studies from individual countries show that children between the ages of 5 and 14 have the lowest prevalence of retrovirus infection.

Below the geezerhood of 5 they are susceptible to mother to child transmission and after they embellish sexually active, the rate of incident increases rapidly – especially for girls (Kelly, 2000). Children older 5-14 requirement to be reached at this grave stage in their lives and substance the ‘window of hope’ in stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Health Education with HIV/AIDS hindrance Does Change Behavior:
There is now brawny grounds from an crescendo number of studies that upbeat activity HIV/AIDS hindrance applied in an pertinent context, changes activity – including activity in huffy and difficult areas where noesis based upbeat activity has failed.

For example:
Sexuality and retrovirus activity –USA:

This think was implemented in 4 schools in New York City with 9th and 11th grade students (867 students), in status (AIDS hindrance program) and curb classes (no immunodeficiency hindrance program).

The aggregation focused on correcting facts most AIDS, teaching cognitive skills to appraise venture of transmission, crescendo noesis of AIDS-prevention resources, changing perceptions of risk-taking behavior, clarifying individualized values, discernment outside influences and teaching skills to delay coition and/or consistently ingest condoms.

An assessment carried out three months after the end of the aggregation found that the status assemble showed the mass positive activity outcomes when compared with the curb group: decrease in coition with high venture partners, process in monogamous relationships and an process in consistent safe use. (Walter & Vaughan, 1993).

HIV/AIDS prevention-Nigeria:
Health activity programs are existence implemented in many schools in Nigeria to process levels of knowledge, influence attitudes and encourage innocuous sexed practices among secondary school students.

A think to evaluate digit much aggregation was conducted comparing 223 students who received broad sexed upbeat activity with 217 controls. Students in the status assemble received 6 weekly sessions lasting 2-6 hours, with activities including lectures, flick shows, role-play stories, songs, debates, essays and a dissent of the correct ingest of condoms.

Following the intervention, students in the status assemble showed a greater noesis and accumulated tolerance of grouping with immunodeficiency compared to the control. The stingy number of sexed partners also decreased in the status group, while the curb assemble showed a offense increase.

The aggregation was also flourishing in crescendo safe ingest (Fawole et al., 1999) Above mentioned studies shows that upbeat activity with HIV/AIDS hindrance does change the activity of students especially adolescents.

Method for implementing Health Education with HIV/AIDS prevention:
Although there is brawny grounds that HIV/AIDS hindrance is effective when properly applied and supported, implementing this move and achieving this success on a larger, countrywide scale is digit of the large challenges to be faced.

To be effective, HIV/AIDS hindrance programs staleness address the mass areas:

•Reassure stakeholders that these messages are beneficial:
Talking and teaching most reproductive upbeat and HIV/AIDS issues does not result in early institution of stimulate or promiscuity.

The grounds suggests that well implemented skills-based programs, conducted in an atmosphere of free communicating of all the issues, is probable to advance to teen grouping delaying the institution of coition and reducing the oftenness of coition and number of sexed partners (Kirby et al. 1994, UNAIDS 1997a).

•Provide hold to teachers:
The demand of hold for implementation of new programs is digit of the most essential factors moving success. For most teachers both the content and methods of HIV/AIDS hindrance programs are new and perhaps sensitive, and yet the move has great possibleness to assist teachers both in their work and also their individualized lives since HIV/AIDS is, of course, also moving teachers.

Sufficient support, training, training and time needs to be available to teachers, in both pre- and in-service upbringing sessions and workshops, to facilitate alikeness and utilization of their own attitudes, and to motivate them to administer their new noesis and skills, kinda than continue with the more didactic, tralatitious teaching methods, which are ofttimes focused on aggregation lonely (Gatawa 1995, Gachuhi 1999).

In addition, decent time and an pertinent place staleness also be given in the curriculum so that all students have access to HIV/AIDS prevention.

•Start early:
As well as targeting adolescents, programs requirement to be targeted at children at an early age, with developmentally pertinent messages, before they leave school (Gachuhi 1999, Partnership for Child Development 1998).

Because younger children are generally not sexually active, these programs module address the building blocks for flourishing living and avoiding risk, kinda than the rattling specific issues attendant to sexed relationships and HIV/AIDS which are progressively introduced to programs for older ages.

However, the large number and diverse geezerhood arrange of children within primary schools is an enduring challenge, especially when addressing huffy issues. Active and self-directed acquisition methods which are commonly used in activity crapper be helpful in overcoming these classroom direction issues to whatever extent.

•Provide a adjunct environment:
Schools requirement to have brawny policies and a flourishing adjunct surround in terms of activity of students towards apiece other, teachers and school personnel.

Sexual abuse crapper occur in schools, with both boys and girls reporting abuse by school staff (Kinsman et al. 1999, Lowensen et al. 1996). Programs requirement to address this possibleness difficulty by upbringing and supporting teachers, so that they crapper embellish persona models kinda than neutral or adverse figures in relation to sexed behavior.

•Respond to local needs:
Many of the models for HIV/AIDS hindrance have been developed in western, developed countries. The available grounds from developing countries, although more limited in orbit than the studies from non-developing countries, supports skills-based upbeat activity for HIV/AIDS and reproductive upbeat (Hubley, 2000).

The main supply is that wherever programs are to be implemented they staleness be formed to meet the local socio-cultural norms, values and religious beliefs, and requirement to allow ongoing monitoring (Kirby et al 1994, UNAIDS 1999, Kinsman et al.1999).

Elements of a Health Education for HIV/AIDS prevention:
Reviews of school-based HIV/AIDS hindrance programs (23 studies in the USA (Kirby et al. 1994), 37 another countries (reported in UNAIDS 1999) and 53 studies in USA, Europe and elsewhere (UNAIDS 1997a) have identified the mass common characteristics of flourishing programs:

1.Focus on a some specific activity goals, (such as delaying institution of coition or using protection), which requires knowledge, attitude and power objectives.

2.Provision of basic, faithful aggregation that is relevant to activity change, especially the risks of open coition and methods of avoiding open intercourse.

3.Reinforcement of clear and pertinent values to strengthen individualist values and assemble norms against open sex.

4.Modeling and training in communication and negotiation skills particularly, as well as another attendant “life skills”.

5.Use of Social Learning theories as a groundwork for aggregation development.

6.Addressing ethnic influences on sexed behaviors, including the essential persona of media and peers.

7.Use of participatory activities (games, persona playing, assemble discussions etc.) to achieve the objectives of personalizing information, exploring attitudes and values, and practicing skills.

8.Extensive upbringing for teachers/implementers to allow them to officer the base aggregation most HIV/AIDS and to training and embellish confident with life skills upbringing methods.

9.Support for reproductive upbeat and HIV/STD hindrance programs by school authorities, decision and policy makers, as well as the wider community.

10.Evaluation (e.g. of outcomes, design, implementation, sustainability, school, enrollee and community support) so that programs crapper be improved and flourishing practices encouraged.

11.Age-appropriateness, targeting students in different geezerhood groups and developmental stages with pertinent messages that are relevant to teen people.

For example digit content of targeting younger students, who are not yet sexually active, strength be to delay the institution of intercourse, whereas for sexually astir students the emphasis strength be to turn the number of sexed partners and ingest condoms.

12.Gender sensitive, for both boys and girls.

Health Education with HIV/AIDS hindrance offers an effective move to equipping children and teen grouping with the knowledge, attitudes and skills that they requirement to hold them avoid venture attractive activity and adopt healthier life styles.

The orbit of upbeat activity means that it crapper be applied to a wide arrange of areas, especially STDs and HIV/AIDS prevention, but also including violence, substance abuse, unwanted situations much as early pregnancy and all areas where noesis and attitudes endeavor a grave persona in promoting a flourishing style for children and teen grouping growing up in the 21st century.

We crapper assets it in mass points-
•The constitutional rights of learners and educators staleness be protected equally.
•There should not be compulsory disclosure of HIV/AIDS status.
•No retrovirus positive learner or educator haw be discriminated against.
•Learners staleness receive activity most HIV/AIDS and abstinence in the environment of life- skills activity as part of the integrated curriculum.
•Educational institutions should ensure that learners acquire geezerhood and environment pertinent noesis and skills to enable them to behave in structure that module protect them from infection.
•Educators requirement more noesis of, and skills to deal with HIV/AIDS and should be trained to wage guidance on HIV/AIDS.

Suggestions for implications for policies and programmes:
Male and someone safe promotion efforts requirement to recognize, refer and address gender issues including sexed and another forms of violence, that inhibit safe use.

HIV/AIDS, person education, and stimulate activity programmes for adolescents that combine gender equality issues into their framework should be fostered.

Such programmes should enable a better discernment of how norms attendant to masculinity and femininity haw process risky sexed behaviour, and hold teen grouping begin thinking most how to work towards equal and answerable relationships.

Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) services should take into account the venture of violence and another adverse consequences when evaluating different approaches to disclosure.

For example, patients crapper be given the choice of counsellor-mediated disclosure if that would hold minimise adverse consequences.

Both men and women should be involved in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMtCT) programmes. Antenatal services crapper educate men most sexuality, fertility and retrovirus prevalence to improve their cognisance and sense of responsibility.

This would avoid reinforcing the belief that women lonely are answerable for pregnancy and for retrovirus transmission to the infant.

Community Home Based Care (CBBC) approaches requirement to allow a primary effort to promote the persona of men as care-givers in the family and community, and to wage competent hold and guidance to enable male participation.

At the rattling least, much programmes should acknowledge that reliance on “home care” is, at present, largely reliance on “women’s care”.